October 22, 2011


i'm heading down this road today...

where are you heading?


Living up here near the coast in northern Germany, where it's flat as a tack moorland - I am so extremely grateful for the Wingst, a small forest with a ridge with the staggering height of 74 metres! It's a mixture of pine, beech, birch and oak trees. It smells so good there. The air is delicious. I love it any time of the year. Each season brings a new mood. And new food. This is where I picked bilberries and blackberries for the first time this summer.  Now it's full of mushrooms - but I seem to find all the most poisonous ones on earth and not the most sought after pfifferlinge....I'll keep trying. This is also where I ride a few times a week. From my house once around it takes just over an hour - it's so quiet in there and peaceful and perfect for taking in the beauty, listening to my breath and empyting my mind.

This is what it looked like when I was there yesterday, just before a hail storm hit and a rainbow came out.

Check out the
Treehotel, David Lynch's on growing up in the woods & Hunting for wild mushrooms from NOWNESS.com, for some more treats from the Woods.

Happy Weekend to y'all.

October 20, 2011


saying farewell to one of dearest friends today and wow, does that stir
some feelings up. i know she's only moving to another country,and that it
is not the final farewell and that she plans to come back, but it's bringing up
all sorts of interesting emotions.

i know change is inevitable and my how i love to tell my students to embrace
this concept. watch the changes without any clinging to what was or what could
be. during meditation we may watch the breath or "feel" our bodies, noticing
emotions and thoughts that arise. over time we begin to see that nothing
ever lasts for that long. that nothing ever stays the same. even when we feel
anxious or angry and it seems like a very solid state that we are in. when we
just sit and watch what is happening, like an observer watching a film for example,
we see that anger is not even just one thing. that the feeling we thought we were
experiencing are just a series of many different emotions, thoughts and feelings.

so i have been sitting and watching my feelings triggered by this farewell and it has been
great fodder for contemplation. this week i have learnt that i still cling. i have learnt
how much i value authentic people. and i have come to understand that distance is all
in my head.

October 19, 2011


what i love about the message from this video is that it's not only hopeful
and provides us with an understandable idea of how to head into the future (now)
it's that for those of us who need more evidence to support the law of
attraction "theory", the science is in.
to find out more from gregg braden go here

October 18, 2011


14 years ago today i married jürgen
today we live separated
he is always always in my heart
happy birthday to us

found at please dont talk to me i fall in love so easily


i spend a considerable amount of time trawling this digital world
of ours. i find a lot of inspiration and incredible creativity out there.
but some days, it starts to pull me down a bit. it's on the days when
i am feeling out of balance it happens. then i start to compare myself and
feel my array of inadequacies.

how am i meant to be showing up in this world? i think to myself.

and because i have been looking outside myself too much and filling
up on the chorus of voices, as lovely as they are, i realise i have been losing
my way. i have been giving away my energy.

so it's then that i turn off the computer, disconnect the phone and take
a walk. sit down on the earth and feel it beneath me. listen. feel.
and before long, i feel alive again. and in rhythm. my own rhythm.
and even if i am not doing anything particularly creative, i am happy
just being.

October 17, 2011


some recent finds

via 55some

via insecuritieseatalive

i got naive, charismatic and dramatic
how about you?

October 16, 2011


i know it's spring because i have been wearing bare feet again.
it has to be warm to take off my ugg boots at home and i realise that
for at least a week i have been forgetting to put them on.

it is so nice to feel the ground beneath me. when i walk outside and
feel the temperature of the ground. feel the fallen leaves under me as
i hang out the washing. feel how the house warms up during the day
and then cools down again at night.

it puts me one step closer to being in tune with the daily cycle of light
and dark
it really does make you come alive. i cannot imagine wearing closed
in shoes all day everyday. they make the little ones at school wear them
even in summer, but i think it should be a fundamental right to make
your own choice of foot coverings.

one of the biggest problems for us urban dwellers ( and we make up a
massive part of the population these days) is a disconnection or
separation feeling. i would go so far as to think that its at the core of
most depression. the feelings of isolation, difference and lack of
belonging are common modern maladies, even though we live in such
close quarters with each other.

being grounded is a great treat i allow myself to experience as part of my
daily self care. i feel the earth beneath me, i feel for the energy of the
place i am standing or sitting on. its a very easy practice to do once you become
quiet and still. i do it in different locations and they all have their own feel.

what i do is take my seat wherever i am.
and just listen to the sounds around me and feel myself sitting.
from there i then use my body to feel the earth underneath me.
i feel the solidity of the ground and the way it supports me.
i let myself rest knowing i am being held.
and then i feel the energy around me.

try it at the beach, in a forest, under your favourite tree, in the lounge
on a chair, beside your bed, on a train, wherever really because the
energy will still be all around and present.
then you can find your power spot. the place that makes you feel alive
and calm and clear. and when you need to get clear you can take yourself
to that place to recharge and renew yourself.


The geese are heading south. The last corn has been harvested. The boats have their masts removed and are ready to be taken out of the water. Soon the piers will also be dismantled and put away. The leaves are turning every hue of yellow, red and golden brown. The mercury has dropped below zero. There is frost on the ground in the morning. I cannot leave the house without hat, gloves and scarf on. This change of season and preparation for winter is so dramatic. It's stunning and beautiful and already painfully cold............I never feel ready for it.