November 17, 2011


fall at my feet

this year i have noticed more than before how abundant the landscape here is in autumn.
mother nature ever providing.
i wish i understood mushrooms more. there are just so many types out there that resemble each other, and even whilst using the huge database of pictures on the net to discern whether or not i have picked a delicious edible or the most poisonous schroom on earth, its almost impossible to make a concrete decision.
the temperature has really dropped & i am starting now to struggle with dressing in more layers and wanting to leave the house. this week i have ridden 40kms, and i am not sure if i'll be adding any more to the total.

November 15, 2011


on my travels today

stopped many times to snap all these little beauties while riding today.
i was stunned by all the colour hanging around even in freezing fog at 2 degrees. how do these little delicate things stand this weather???

skyping with bikini clad family and hearing about how happy they are that the southerly has just arrived while i being mesmerised by the frost and thick fog hampering my ability to see more than 30 metres in front of me, was to put it mildly,
totally like living in a parallel universe.

November 14, 2011


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what i love most about living near the beach is
being able to head down at any time of the day
or night.

it is always a different place. the tide changes the
way the water moves and the way the sand forms.

sometimes if i am lucky there are shells,
or sand sculptures or beautiful cloud
formations and the colour of the sea
is always a surprise to me.

no two waves are ever the same. just like no two
moments are the same. the beach always reminds
me that things never stay the same.

earlier i arrived in the heat of the day and the tide
was high, the water icy but delicious.

after dinner we headed down to cool off. the tide
was low, small waves had arrived to thrill and delight.
the girls out on their boards that they have rediscovered
and the best light show i have seen in a long time all

and always familiar faces to connect with. unplanned
meetings with friends and acquaintances. i like those
the best somehow, spontaneous conversation and sharing
without any expectation or finesse. authenticity and
synchronicity at play.

i am so grateful for living in this place, it nourishes
and relaxes and feeds my spirit. always better for having
had my feet in the sand. always.


at my place
living in a small apartment hasn't stopped me from collecting a few things here and there. mostly they are transitory and seasonal and things that won't last forever.
these beautiful flowers are clover and in a last mad rush of colour before the real cold arrived last week they were still blooming here and there on the roadside. i couldn't resist picking them.
i have been living with most of my things in boxes and out of suitcases for the last 3 years. and in this time i have come to realise how few things one really needs. i have accumlated so many things over the years that i don't now even look at or use. so whilst living here, i am making sure i keep things very simple and minimal hardly add anything to my stash of things.
life feels lighter this way.


on friday 11/11/11 a bunch of sydney meditator's met in
the botanical garden's for a flashmob of different kind.
so on this auspicious numerical day and on the anniversary
marking the end of world war 1, where we stop for a minute's
silence to remember all those men who died (unnecessarily)
we gathered to add our collective consciousness to the mix.
there were probably only 50-60 of us and there was construction
work noise of the opera house a constant reminder of the
goings on around us.

as a flashmob that stopped people in their tracks i am not
quite so sure we pulled that off, but it was a beautiful experience
sitting under a 150 year old moreton bay fig with my youngest by
my side, enjoying that moment in time