Living up here near the coast in northern Germany, where it's flat as a tack moorland - I am so extremely grateful for the Wingst, a small forest with a ridge with the staggering height of 74 metres! It's a mixture of pine, beech, birch and oak trees. It smells so good there. The air is delicious. I love it any time of the year. Each season brings a new mood. And new food. This is where I picked bilberries and blackberries for the first time this summer. Now it's full of mushrooms - but I seem to find all the most poisonous ones on earth and not the most sought after pfifferlinge....I'll keep trying. This is also where I ride a few times a week. From my house once around it takes just over an hour - it's so quiet in there and peaceful and perfect for taking in the beauty, listening to my breath and empyting my mind.
This is what it looked like when I was there yesterday, just before a hail storm hit and a rainbow came out.
Check out the Treehotel, David Lynch's on growing up in the woods & Hunting for wild mushrooms from NOWNESS.com, for some more treats from the Woods.
Happy Weekend to y'all.
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