i know it's spring because i have been wearing bare feet again.
it has to be warm to take off my ugg boots at home and i realise that
for at least a week i have been forgetting to put them on.
it is so nice to feel the ground beneath me. when i walk outside and
feel the temperature of the ground. feel the fallen leaves under me as
i hang out the washing. feel how the house warms up during the day
and then cools down again at night.
it puts me one step closer to being in tune with the daily cycle of light
and dark
it really does make you come alive. i cannot imagine wearing closed
in shoes all day everyday. they make the little ones at school wear them
even in summer, but i think it should be a fundamental right to make
your own choice of foot coverings.
one of the biggest problems for us urban dwellers ( and we make up a
massive part of the population these days) is a disconnection or
separation feeling. i would go so far as to think that its at the core of
most depression. the feelings of isolation, difference and lack of
belonging are common modern maladies, even though we live in such
close quarters with each other.
being grounded is a great treat i allow myself to experience as part of my
daily self care. i feel the earth beneath me, i feel for the energy of the
place i am standing or sitting on. its a very easy practice to do once you become
quiet and still. i do it in different locations and they all have their own feel.
what i do is take my seat wherever i am.
and just listen to the sounds around me and feel myself sitting.
from there i then use my body to feel the earth underneath me.
i feel the solidity of the ground and the way it supports me.
i let myself rest knowing i am being held.
and then i feel the energy around me.
try it at the beach, in a forest, under your favourite tree, in the lounge
on a chair, beside your bed, on a train, wherever really because the
energy will still be all around and present.
then you can find your power spot. the place that makes you feel alive
and calm and clear. and when you need to get clear you can take yourself
to that place to recharge and renew yourself.
It's wonderful feeling the earth beneath your feet, isn't it? I'm really enjoying feeling the signs of spring being well and truly entrenched now (I'm across the Ditch from you in Auckland, NZ)
My challenge for myself is going to be spending more of this spring/summer outside with my feet directly on the ground, instead of experiencing it through running shoes and trail shoes the way I did last year while I was training for Trailwalker
you have put into words what i have missed this summer. i am so used to walking every day barefoot on the beach - and here, it's just not like that. i can count the days on my hands and feet that i wore thongs outside. i miss that so much. i agree so much about shoes and how they either make you feel either comfortable and free or boxed in. will definitely take heed about feeling the energy whereever i am and find which place feels best. intuitively i think it's the river here where i ride to daily - and a couple of places in the nearby forest because i always feel happy and energised here or if i have been feeling down the thoughts stop here.
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