you have probably worked out that i am a big and i mean BIG procrastinator,
which leads to a lot of paralysis and not much to show for.
it saddens me i have this in spades and i know it frustrates the hell out of my
husband who wants me to be doing a whole lot more than i am.
i have ideas. lots of them. most i don't even write down. which i have no real reason why
i don't. i think i gave up long ago when i realised that i rarely followed through on things
i was days before very excited about.
so this week i started to learn how to crochet. a friend who lives nearby is a bit of an expert
on these things and i had mentioned i wanted to make a blanket for my kids?!? so she has
been making space to teach me for the last few weeks and i finally ran out of distractions that
had me not showing up for my lessons.
i am not that crafty a type and anyone who knows me could attest. and i know we were
only doing crochet 101 - the easy beginner steps - but i actually could do what i was shown.
the stitches and casting on pattern that i learnt is all leading to creating a beanie, which
i love to wear, but not where my passion lies, but even still it felt really good to be making
something with my hands. i'm kinda sad in a way that whatever i am making as a practise right
now is really not leading to and end product, although both my girls are bagging it as beanie for
their favourite toy!
i just watched a short inspiring tedtalk with the theme about just making stuff, whatever it is
just make - given by the creator of threadless - that great online t-shirt&hoodie company that
we love in our house. so i am feeling like i am sort of getting on track here, getting messages
supporting what i am doing and even though i can't imagine crochet as my way to save the world
or be my income path, who knows, sillier things have happened.
maybe it will just get me back into creating, and then i can try and weave or crochet that into my
other passions like herbs, healing and consciousness raising.
have a look here for some inspiration