November 5, 2011


m u r m u r a t i o n

Murmuration from Sophie Windsor Clive on Vimeo.

this makes my heart sing....and i just love that word so i'll say it again - M U R M U R A T I O N

November 3, 2011


all good things are wild and free
-henry david thoreau

This beautiful willow tree is in my backyard. She is old and magnificent. It feels so magical when you stand beneath her.....soon she will be bare again, exposed, her beautiful form made all the more transparent for all who gaze upon her.

October 31, 2011



my bedroom at sunrise

Turning the clocks back to real time makes waking up with the sun at a reasonable hour now.....this morning it was 7.20am not 8.20am when my eyes automatically popped open. It will turn dark again at 5pm. Short days and getting shorter still.

It's the official end of Autumn today, Happy Halloween!


happy halloween

via this isn't happiness


i loved listening to this passionate poet today
i am sure you will find something in one of three
poems that sparks some action