over at jamie ridler studios each wednesday, jamie prompts us to
create a wish for ourselves. by publicly stating your wish and doing
so within a loving group circle like the one she has created, the wish
will hopefully become manifest.
yesterday's prompt is HOW DO YOU WISH TO BE LOVED
( sorry i'm a little late)
this question immediately created lots of ripples within my mind.
initially i think i want to be loved just for who i am, warts and all
by those dearest and closest.
i want it be to big and bold and shiny love as well as deep and
but then i stopped and thought about how i love. how i love the people
around me, how i show it, and then also about self love and i came to see
that my self love is lacking and really where i need to put the focus of my
wish towards.
my wish is to truly love myself. to see beyond all my flaws and to appreciate
all of me. i wish to love my self through engaging in a daily ritual where i
honour my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual parts.
This is a very wise wish. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well.
What an excellent direction for this prompt! As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you.
your wish is way cool.
mine is:
to be loved which ever way the other person loving me can or wants to and be able to accept it without wanting it to be different.
To love yourself unconditionally is a beautiful wish.
As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.
Oh, this is absolutely gorgeous. Love the vibe and the energy and the SELF love here...
As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also!
So beauty filled! As you wish for your self so I too wish for you as well :)
As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you to have forever :-)
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