how could i forget how much this plays havoc with me these days?
Back in the day pre- electricity - all women apparently used to bleed
with the dark moon and party at full moon. WOW can you imagine?
The alpha female of the group would influence all the other women
and their cycles would sync together. You see it sometimes in work
places and shared housing as well these days.
Anyway, for me, and its all about me right now, cos i'm kinda tetchy
and also when i'm out of sorts i suffer narcissism in bigger doses than
normal, i have really come to be very aware of my "cycle" this past year
as it has finally begun to take a shape again since ceasing to menstruate
when i had surgery for cervical cancer.
So i can let myself enjoy this period of introspection and quiet. Allow
myself to miss being super physical because i'm too tired without
feeling like a cop-out. I can allow myself to open to the mystery of being
woman. Listening to the messages that i can only hear when i am still
and present.
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