October 13, 2011


an image of Mabon - reresenting the autumn equinox time

The last 2 nights have been crystal clear, and perfect for viewing the full moon. I really don't sleep well at full moon - tossing and turning and dreaming vividly and repetitively all night. Mid way through last night I decided to get up, wake myself properly in order to change my headspace. And the stars were amazing! I saw shooting stars, or was it just my bleery-eyedness? It went minus 1 over night, and so this morning there was frost. Reminding me that winter is coming and not far off. I can't say I'm looking forward to it at all. Cold hurts. My bones and body ache. And I pull muscles doing the most ordinary of things. I am so happy I can escape the winter for a few months. That feels like pure decadence.

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